Everything You Need to Know About Ambre Blends Skin Tonic

Not only do we love making you smell great with Ambre Blends Essence Oils, but our entire product line is made with a purpose behind it for your skin’s health. Ambre Blends products are made after we hand pick high-quality, natural ingredients that work together for your best skin ever.

Ambre Blends Skin Tonic

One product that is gaining popularity in our skincare line is the Ambre Blends Skin Tonic. Skin Tonic is a luxury body oil developed exclusively for the purpose of rejuvenating skin and giving your face and body a healthy glow. The combination of organic oils and our signature essences is designed to keep you looking healthy and vibrant while also radiating your favorite Ambre Blends scent.

First and most importantly, we want you to know that our Skin Tonic is not our Pure Essence Oil. Our Skin Tonic is a power-packed smoothie for the face and body. It is a rejuvenating and healing oil that consists of a mixture of pure organic oils that come as a plant based and or raw. We picked these ingredients due to their medicinal and healing properties.

With that being said, you will smell some of these nutrient oils right off the top and from the bottle. Remember that these are raw oils, which is what you will initially smell. It is not until those oils are absorbed into the skin that the Ambre Essence (Ambre, Invoke, Solace, Unmasque, or Ahnu) will have a chance to radiate its aroma throughout the day. We also have an essence-free version available for those with sensitive facial skin!

How to Apply

For best results, apply Ambre Blends Skin Tonic to your face and body after drying off from a bath or shower. Apply it to the face and body to allow your skin to absorb the product and soak up all of the benefits. Ambre Blends Skin Tonic will quickly penetrate deep into the skin, leaving no oily residue. Watch this video we made about how to properly apply the skin tonic to your face and body.

Why Skin Tonic?

The purpose of this product is to feed your face and body with 17 organic and raw oils (listed below) with the added bonus of our Ambre Blends Essences which make up 1/4 of the bottle. We do not want to alter the smell of these 17 oils as they are in their purest form and are extremely nutrient in this state. These fortifying oils assist in hydration, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and cell rejuvenation.

Though many ingredients share similar beneficial properties, the extensive combination of these ingredients ensures that users of Ambre Blends Skin Tonic will see definitive improvement to the health and beauty of their skin. Our natural and organic ingredients with their benefits include:

Sea Buckthorn: A deciduous plant which contains high levels of antioxidants that help regenerate skin cells, restore skin tissue and help prevent the effects of aging on the skin.

Jojoba: A desert plant which produces a hydrating, fast absorbing oil which is antibacterial and hypoallergenic, prevents inflammation and promotes blood flow leaving skin with a healthy glow.

Evening Primrose: A perennial flowering plant that improves skin’s elasticity and leaves skin feeling supple.

Hempseed Oil: Produced by cold-pressing seeds from the hemp plant, this ingredient is high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and is rich in vitamin D, which acts as a barrier for the skin and helps lock in natural moisture.

Avocado Oil: Produced from the avocado fruit, this regenerating and moisturizing oil contains beta-carotene and vitamins A, B, B2, D and E.

Green Tea Extract: A derivative of herbal green tea, this extract rejuvenates skin cells, fights inflammation and soothes acne and irritated skin.

Apricot Kernal: The internal part of the seed of apricots nourishes, balances, rehydrates and lubricates skin. Almond oil from the almond is a natural emollient containing vitamin B & E and essential minerals & proteins which protects the skin from sun damage and reduces skin irritation.

Coenzyme Q10: A natural occurring, vitamin-like substance which is a natural antioxidant, CoQ10 helps fight free radical damage, can help prevent collagen damage and keeps skin supple by encouraging the production of collagen fibers and elastin.

Sunflower Oil: A natural emollient made from pressed sunflower seeds which is a natural antioxidant and is rich in beta-carotine, which can help protect skin from sun damage and reduce the effects of aging.

Pumpkin Seed: High in antioxidants, enzymes, essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, fiber and vitamins C & K, pumpkin seed helps regulate proper skin cell production.

Squalane: An organic compound derived from olives known for its anti-aging properties, squalane nourishes, hydrates and boosts skins ability to regenerate to reduce wrinkles and soften skin.

Coconut Oil: A natural antioxidant that strengthens skin by promoting cell regeneration.

Rose Hip: The fruit of the rose plant is rich in vital fatty acids and antioxidants providing anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial benefits which promotes regeneration of collagen, elastin and scar tissue and reduces age spots and replaces damaged skin cells leaving skin strong and supple.

Borage: An annual herb rich in essential fatty acids and omegas which blocks skin inflammation, reduces skin irritation and restores dry, damaged skin.

Calendula: A perennial herb plant from the daisy family which is a natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Arnica: A perennial herb known for its natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties.