Natural Fragrances vs. Synthetic Perfumes: What You Need to Know

Do you know the different between natural and synthetic fragrances? The popularity of natural fragrances is quickly on the rise – they are concentrated with less fillers, stick to your skin longer, and aren’t full of dehydrating chemicals. And you get the added bonus of knowing that everything your skin is absorbing is safe and suitable for most skin types.

The majority of synthetic fragrances are made from petrochemicals, which have been linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity, allergies, and more. These petrochemicals are absorbed into your skin and breathed into your lungs every time you use products that contain synthetic fragrance. Synthetic fragrances can be hidden in everything from cosmetics and skincare to cleaning products and candles.

Synthetic fragrances tend to be more offensive to those around you than natural fragrances. You know the feeling of walking into a department store and having your senses assaulted by the harsh smell of dozens of perfumes. When you wear synthetic perfumes and colognes, it’s very likely you’re causing those in your path to be offended from the overwhelming odor.

Natural Fragrances are Long Lasting

On average, natural fragrances will last anywhere from six to 15 hours. We read comments from our customers all the time saying they can smell their Ambre Blends on their clothes or skin a full day later. Synthetic fragrances last for an average of one to three hours. Dry skin has a hard time holding onto scent, and when you use a synthetic fragrance that contains alcohol it can contribute to your skin drying out even more. On the other hand, natural fragrances are sometimes known as “skin scents” because as your body temperature gradually increases, the scent begins to grow stronger.

Natural Fragrances Aren’t Overpowering

Natural fragrances such as Ambre Blends oil essences are alcohol-free and have a clean, rich, true scent. Since our oil essences are alcohol-free, they have a long shelf life – you’ll notice that the longer you have your oil essences the stronger they will get. Synthetic fragrances have a scent that is harsh, overbearing, and overpowering. Since synthetic fragrances are made with 80-97% alcohol, they have a short shelf life due to alcohol evaporation.

Natural Fragrances are Great for Sensitive Skin

Since natural fragrances use natural ingredients, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions. Natural fragrances also tend to have fewer ingredients to emit a richer aroma. Synthetic fragrances are full of fillers and chemicals, which means a much higher probability of causing an allergic reaction. If you have sensitive skin, it’s time to switch to a natural fragrance!

Natural Fragrances are Moisturizing

Natural fragrances are made with oils that will assist in nourishing and moisturizing your skin, helping it to retain the scent on your skin longer. You and only those close to you will experience the pleasant, natural aromas, not leaving a trail of odor behind you like traditional perfumes and colognes. Due to the high alcohol content in synthetic fragrances, these will remove your natural body oils causing dry skin. They are also highly flammable.

After seeing how natural and synthetic fragrances stack up to each other, which would you rather put on your skin? We think the choice is clear.